Friday, March 26, 2010

The candlelight

In the candlelight, the pen sails paper,
Sleep was landing elsewhere.
Late, it is only the poet and the candlelight,
The head needs to end off
For the body to relax.
It seems the press of a newspaper that the high
Hours, begins to work to break the news
The next day.
The words pour from his eyes, as
The candle wax that clings to the body,
In an attempt to continue to be ...

A tombstone to visit

A tombstone to visit
Hands serene, flowers placed.
The flash of a lifetime,
Going in slow motion.
Of disconnected words,
Sounds stunned ...
Rethink all the anger that has invaded my life,
And the insights of a deformed face
I pour my forgiveness to continue to live.
I'm leaving the past behind and
A reminder teardrop-shaped
Me to travel in time and discover
Reasons and joys that take me a
Future safe and secure and so can
Continue moving forward.


I wanted to be a kite,
flying in the wind gentle
see life from above.
I would be above
my own head,
to better manage
my problems.
Says a Chinese saying
it is necessary to look at things
above, leaving the problem
to find a solution.
So I wanted to be a kite
and fly without compromise, while
have the wind for company,
he transport me to the heights.
Feel that up there does not exist
else to do but be a kite.
And fly, fly ...
Just enjoy, while there is wind.

Belly of beautiful female

His meeting in cave boasting,
With boss nuts give you in deeper,
What is your gluteal tender and meaty
What plasma you vertes very tearful,
For the most liquid, and also fruitful
Ecstasy in the womb of female beautiful.

For me

On the edge of the abyss in turmoil
The incandescent up to me.
His breath hot and fierce roaring
Like a lion, ready to devour
The woman, trapped there ...
Crackles in my own image
Thought and carry you away,
At the sound of my cries, feel its rays
Blazing in outer space
Give time if you think, more
One step at a soul ...
A pressure involves my mind
I feel like I'm going to faint, then
I fall, but not in my abyss
But your

Friday, March 19, 2010


They come from where they want,
Where we do not know.
Bring things that only they know,
What we do not understand.
Whistle strong that you have reached,
Taking with old memories,
Old wounds,
Old friendships.
Inspire confidence now, now complicity
Blow away all that was left.
I'm looking at this friend, who sometimes
Me is the enemy
His truculence that
Ends up winning.
Father of the breeze that brings
The silence
And the harmony to our hearts.
Wind blows...
wind blows...

Never is a long time

Never is a long time,
Because you never know when it is not.
Never can mean an eternity
Or never mean.
Never time to cry or suffer
Well, never is a long time.
It is never too long, because when I am with you
I am very happy and I do not ever pass.
The can never be so close
As ever be.
Only I will never forget
It is never a long time.

The silence is screaming...

The silence is screaming ...
Beats in my chest,
Deafened my world becomes
He yells too loud, then grows ...
My lips dry, and the source from which
Sprouted words is shallow,
The point is not well no letter.
Gagged, I live my worst nightmare
My voice tied by steel blades,
Disrupt the sounds that rumble
Endlessly inside my head.
Tired of fighting I pray peace and quiet ...
And so stumbling on my blind fear,
Flex in the darkness that a risk
Of light and color, the color gray finish.

Tree barbed

I see a tree with barbed wire
On each end I bleeding
Fragments of souls hanging
Still harvested in the prime of age,
With all the dreams to beat them
With every wish unfulfilled.
They crave freedom, I pray peace.
Their voices mingle in the midst of
My feelings, both indelible
Before me with science ...
Move on and wherever I want
Arrive, they catch me and make me
See how much need of my mind,
To pour his words in this forest
Withered, motionless,
Stuck in this abyss
Bent that insist on calling: life

The boat

Even if your feet do not become established
On the stormy sea in fury.
And sleep you leave to go to
Hold of any other mind.

Even if you do not believe in the figure,
Formed in the mist of dawn.
And your eyes dull and without faith,
Fatasma see a judge in the cold night.

Look around and hear the voice that calls:
Come! Walk on water you also.
If that makes you sink is skepticism,
What makes the following is the security.

The storm can be calmed,
just a word and firm
and the boat that drown,
quiet sail in calm ocean.

Últimos 12 anos

Meu trabalho duro por nós,
Nos últimos 12 anos, tem sido em vão.
Não obstante sua fúria interna,
Como sempre estraga tudo.
Desmancha o meu céu azul,
E faz chover pétalas de cinzas,
Nomeu jardim vazio...
Desmoronando meu mundo, quebrando
As alternativas de tentar mais uma vez.
Minhas forças se escondem de mim,
Fogem da algoz volúpia sua,
Desvia-se de seu caminho tortuoso...
Em querer tudo para si, de me roubar
Aquilo que tenho de mais precioso,
Eu mesmo.

Last 12 years

My hard work for us
In the last 12 years has been in vain.
Despite his inner fury,
As always ruins everything.
Cutting my sky blue
And it rained petals of ash,
In my empty garden...
My world falling apart, breaking
The alternatives to try again.
My forces are hiding from me,
Executioner fleeing their pleasure,
Deviates from its winding path...
In wanting everything for you, to rob me
What I am most precious